This chapter analysis most of the recently proposed methods and allotments for the European Parliament (EP) together with a short description of each one. Some reasonable properties are selected for degressive proportionality with restrictions. Finally, the chapter includes comparisons and comments. Up to the present, the composition of the European Parliament (EP) has been established by means of negotiations and agreements, sometimes linked to the power distribution in the Council of Ministers of the EU. Finding a good method to determine the composition of the EP is not a simple task, however, because apportionment must entail degressive proportionality and certain restrictions. The EP will be made up of the Union's citizens and the number of parliamentary members will not exceed 750. The representation will be degressively proportional. Every Member State must receive a minimum of six deputies and a maximum of 96. A well-known theory for proportional allocations with restrictions is that developed by M. Balinski.