This chapter evaluates the instances in the Church Dogmatics (CD) where Barth made explicit material application of filioque beyond the initial defense found in the first half-volume. As will be demonstrated, Barth does appeal to the filioque in a traditional Western manner, but it is also true that he applied it in novel ways, when he allowed himself to speak in a more explicitly dialectical modea mode which often muted in the earlier volumes of the CD. Barth's late use of the filioque can best be understood as an attempt to speak dialectically in response to the revealed eternal dialectic that exists antecedently in God between Father and Son in Holy Spirit. Barth called the filioque 'root of that recognition' by the Western Church that the Spirit is none other than the Spirit of Christ. Barth went on to argue that the Spirit is 'the history which takes place between the existence of man Jesus and that of other men'.