Individual traits and character, values, motives, and competencies determine the choices, actions, attitudes, and behaviors of leaders through which they determine the being and becoming of the organization. The organizational culture constitutes an intangible strategic resource of the organization since it shapes the individual, team, and overall organizational decisions, attitudes, and behaviors. Corporate culture is a system of common values, beliefs, principles, assumptions, notions, and meanings which compose a common framework of reference that defines people's way of thinking, behaving and communicating, actions, and motivations. Albert Camus maintained that life is the sum of our choices, epitomizing the central claim of existential philosophy that existence precedes essence. Social actors are reflexive and monitor the flow of activities; they adapt their actions to their evolving understandings. Apart from becoming role models for the organization, research suggests that leaders undertake a series of developmental activities in order to create a leadership culture and encourage follower's meta-competencies.