This chapter explores one of the major developments that has been the growing involvement of the cultural sector in LGBT History. In March 2005, The Network organised a half-day workshop for SINTO. SINTO is a partnership of library and information services in Yorkshire and north Derbyshire with the goal of improving services to users through co-operation, training and planning'. The Centre for the Public Library and Information in Society, Department of Information Studies at Sheffield University carried out this important piece of research which was published in 2008. The research included a literature review, a national survey, focus groups and interviews, job vacancy profiling, compiling case studies and a research workshop. The chapter focuses on the purpose of museums that also been the subject of regular reassessment, and as Fiona Cameron suggested: The emancipatory museum also offers a home to feminism, ecology, anti-imperialism, localism, gay/lesbian perspectives as well as the perspectives of other liberationist and social justice movements'.