A comparison of two texts: Peder Paars and Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum invites consideration of Ludvig Holberg's relationship to classical – Greek-Roman – learning and literature. Holberg's somewhat complex attitude towards the classical heritage reflects a general problem of early Enlightenment literature, how and to what extent should or could literary works from Greek-Roman antiquity serve as models for modern literature. Holberg has constructed a double system of narrators in Peder Paars. Another feature shared by Nicolai Klim and Peder Paars is the intricate play with pseudonyms, fictional editors and their accompanying introductions and epilogues. The theme of competence, of using one's particular talents to the benefit of soceity, is the subject of a digression in Peder Paars but has been developed into a core theme in Niels Klim. The Satyricon is far from the only classical text that is echoed in Holberg's novel.