Clients expect organizations to deliver services on a 24 × 7 basis. In order to meet these demands services have to be:

unceasing with few interruptions or downtime;

trusted to both perform transactions and protect clients’ personal information;

secure yet responsive to client needs; and

reliable, showing integrity and proof.

Trusted and continuous services are reliant on well-established due diligence, sustainability, risk identification and management practices being in place. This includes having:

trusted partnerships or alliances with other service providers to deliver round-the-clock services;

good information security management strategies and embedded security systems and procedures to protect information and transactions, people and physical assets;

access control and authorization of use;

a disaster recovery plan that provides sound strategies to quickly recover from incidents;

a tried and tested business continuity plan that provides alternatives for all resources and activities so that critical business functions can continue; and

compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks for the protection of intellectual property, and personal and commercial information.