This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the key concepts discussed in the preceding chapters of this book. The book analyses the gradual erosion of colonial migration systems tying Britain to South Asia occurred in stages following tightening British restrictionism in the post-war decades. Irregular migration has established Pakistani settlements in Paris, and their Algerian equivalents in North London. Human smuggling networks and Europe's much maligned asylum systems work together as a mediating funnel ensuring a steady supply of cheap pliant labour to private commercial actors. Control of Afro-Eurasian labour through colonial migration systems, that is to say, has been replaced by a new imperialism conducted at the supranational level. The idea of a 'Fortress' surrounded by a moat is thus unhelpful. In illegal travel and transit, the migrant's body is subjected to severe exhaustion, hunger, draconian regimes of state surveillance, technologies of discipline and punishment as soon as it enters Western space.