This chapter presents some auxiliary arguments on how this theory might be applied in two contemporary empirical examples: the question of re-enchantment in modernity; and some elements of the development of meaning and modernity in Australia. Ideal interests are constantly at work even in meaningless modernity and it is not only unsurprising but in keeping with Max Weber's theory of meaning and modernity for new forms of enchanted belief to arise. The dominant view of Weber, with its oceans of use and interpretation, is W1.0. The inclusion of capitalist consumption might seem problematic since it is undoubtedly part of the economy and so, it might be assumed, cannot be counted in distinction from the economic value-sphere. The point is that once the theory of meaning behind the value-spheres is recognised, and it is remembered that the value-spheres are polytheistic, and then these kinds of additions are possible in some sort of configuration.