Mama Ciuaco related to her sister what had passed between her and her son, how heedful and thoughtful she had found him, and that a happy outcome was promised for all that she planned, so that she would at once do whatever was necessary. The sister was delighted with this news, and at once they brought some men who beat a quantity of fine gold into delicate sheets, and the two sisters, without the aid of any other person, fastened the sheets of gold and also many brilliant gems and precious stones upon a curious shirt which shone in the rays of the sun, as they wished it to do. They tried it upon the boy many times in order to find out what way it should be worn. For their purpose, they took him secretly to the Chingana, a famous cave which overlooks Cuzco, and which, to-day, extends as far as the convent of Santo Domingo, which was anciently the house of the Sun. They dressed him in those plates of gold. They instructed him to appear after four days at the hour of noon on a prominent spot which lorded it over the city, so that the inhabitants of it might see him, and, after staying there a brief space, to return and hide himself in the Chingana; for this they left him enough food.