The Stein House at Garches of 1927–1928 and the additions to the Church villa of 1929 continued the development of the individual dwelling begun with the Vaucresson villa and the Ozenfant house. In the Villa Stein-de Monzie, there were also two exterior living spaces incorporated within the dwelling: a suspended garden terrace on the second level, partially covered and extending into the rear yard, and a roof garden on the fourth level overlooking the site and beyond. A solarium or roof garden was the final destination of the ascent of the exterior and interior stairs in the Maison Citrohan, regardless of its setting, whether depicted by Le Corbusier in the city or on the shore of a lake. The Villa Savoye, designed by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, was represented in the Museum of Modern Art's 1932 exhibition, Modern Architecture – International Exhibition by a scale model with attached floor plans and two photographs.