QC:IJt Uopagt of <!taptain 8torgt ~apmoutb. THIS adventure was carried into effect under the sole patronage and direction, and at the entire charge of the u W or11· Fellowship of the Mrchiits of London trading into the East Indies". Yet from the date of the undertaking to the present day, the worshipful association have not only been denied the credit of this u honorable aceon"; but the merit of the enterprise bas been attributed to other p"arties : to the M uscovia and Turkey Companies, who bad not the slightest connexion with the matter. This act of injustice originated with Captain Waymouth, by whom the voyage was made. Purchas printed, without note or comment, W aymouth's Journal, in which the mis-statement is made. This was in 1624.2 Fox, in 1634, copied the error. Anderson, who had no means of ascertaining the truth, adopted the error in 177 4 ; and Barrow, under the same circumstances as Anderson, revived it in 1818. There would be little advantage in speculating on the motives which induced Captain W aymouth to give publicity to the mis-statement : though, it may be observed, the