WatLH th.e lat sheet was at press, I aw.Ued myself of aa opportu•ity, that unexpectedly pH&eated itself~ to :refer to a. second copy of the .NDrtll.- wat F~e, containing a. .Jist of .~ In one ol the aaswen given by .J&.s:ter Huboa.rt to the ~demanda of Sir Thomas B111ttou., in the 'fMJI of .Fox's work, the following passage oeeura: ''To B.AliG ..1. .PLAKEr.r''; aDd it is :so reprinted. in. the Appendix to tlle Na.na.tivea ·(linea seven. &lld eight frQDl th.e bottom ·of p. 247). The"" reading of the wrat" is: "I HlrlfG .a. PLCMME,'P Otf ~' •. Combined. with Ba.:ffin ~s tneflhod of a.soerta.iniog the loogitude, the passage is ~has rendered intelltgible. .ft. lt.