This chapter explores the role of independent oversight on fundraising by non-profit organizations (NPO). The Netherlands is presented as a model, from a European perspective, of independent oversight on fundraising, as developed by the Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving (CBF). The CBF translates into English as 'the Central Office on Fundraising'. The chapter prefers to use the term NPO to prevent any misunderstanding, as some readers may consider non-governmental organizations to be agonistic towards the state, or that governmental entities should not be social organizations. The Netherlands has a long history of charities influenced by protestant culture and a population comprised of different religious groups. The Dutch population mainly lives below sea level behind dikes and, as a result, people have always had to cooperate in order to protect themselves from the sea. Independent certification of NPOs resulting in recognized public seals to strengthen the trust of donors is a proven form of self-regulation in addition to public regulation.