AS the nations of a hot or temperate zone are clearly quite free from frost, cold, snow, rime, ice, and howling winter storms, they can hardly grasp the diversity of skills, facilities and appliances with which those who live in the bitter cold of the North defend themselves and make arrangements to deal with severities of this kind. 1 The might and majesty of Nature are never to be trusted at any moment. If a man’s mind can only comprehend parts of her, and not the whole, how many things must he reckon to be incapable of happening before they actually occur? 1 For if Nature herself has fortified wild creatures with many wonderful limbs and joints to make them complete, what should she not grant, for his comfort, to the feebleness of man? 2 It is her will that he shall be born naked, shortly to be exposed to innumerable misfortunes, so that he may overcome such hazards by his intelligence and abilities, something he could not accomplish with his strength and implements alone. She has ordained, too, that he shall always have means of help ready to hand when he is beset by many hindrances, and these hard to surmount.

Difference between nations

Majesty of Nature is not to be trusted

Man is born naked

Many means of help