SINCE antiquity bears witness that various monsters and sorcery of innumerable kinds once appeared through most of the world, that is to say, ghosts, devils, satyrs, phantoms, eagle-headed demons, night hags, witches, spirits, and the hordes of Pan, by which men were shamefully deluded through false blandishments, or with unspeakable terror and mangling were cruelly snatched away to their ultimate doom, I did not think I should remain silent about the contrivances and weapons with 166which the peoples of the North would oppose spectres of this sort. For tradition has it that celebrated fighters among the Goths often strove in single combat with monsters and beasts of uncommon savagery, either to set weak men and women at liberty or for the sake of testing their own valour, and they took care that no beast should be attacked by a larger band of comrades than the custom of brave men allowed. 1

Ghosts Devils. Satyrs Phantoms Eagle-headed demons Night hags Witches Spirits. Wood creatures