Studying ordinary Christology requires both empirical and theological work, which locates this study in the discipline or field of practical theology. Descriptive research aims to give as full a description as possible of the topic under study on the basis of the empirical data. The outcome of an effective phenomenological investigation is a thick description of the life-world or experiences of the individual or group being studied. One of the aims of the researcher of ordinary Christology must be to uncover, as best she can, the depth grammar of peoples' speech. Academic Christology encompasses doctrinal Christology and includes numerous other sub-disciplines, such as New Testament Christology, patristic Christology, the history of Christology and contemporary Christology. Various stages are said to occur during any type of qualitative analysis, namely, immersion categorization data reduction interpretation. In general, the questions which concern academic theologians do not usually concern ordinary ones.