The indicators request/propose is a cooperative behavior in decision-situations where the decision unit proposes, suggests or appeals to one or more actors. Crisis cooperation in specific decision-situations is frequently takes the form of actors involved in the crisis setting up meetings to talk about what is happening. This chapter presents the first set of results from a categorical principal component analysis (CATPCA) of the MICRA data. This quantitative analysis provides an empirical map of underlying patterns and commonalities at the decision-situation level of analysis. The results reveal five types of cooperative organizational behavior. The optimal scaling of the indicators included in the decision-occasion level CATPCA was identified by running and comparing the four different scaling options. Agreement are usually reciprocal and between at least two parties, but may occasionally take the form of unilateral concessions or future commitments. Cooperating in crises often involves representatives of organizations acknowledging what has happened in the crisis by publicly commenting on it.