This conclusion introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the preceding chapters of this book. The images and artefacts produced by the informants and explored within this book however, the images countering instrumental pressures, countering the market, the artefacts initiating new forums, initiating new forms, can thus be seen to more closely follow the classical Greek mode of ornamentation as Goldhill, Zaidman and Pantel discuss, to follow it in its methods not materials, in its approaches not artefacts. The ornamentation which his informants undertook can thus be seen to have been one that championed orthopraxy over orthodoxy that emphasized correct action over correct belief. It is an ornament and order enveloped within the marginal, the quasi-detached, an ornament and order which are parergon. It was an overarching dedication that was impossible to simulate, fidelity revealed through the consistent endangering of one's liberty, through the consistent renouncement of instrumentality, through consistently consuming one's time.