I arryved att Musilpatam, where I founde all things in good order. I gave fayre woords to everyone, uppon hope that whosoever carryed himselfe beste shoulde have the fyrste place, thinking that thereby every one woulde stryve for to do beste, butt yett it fell nott oute altogether as I had thoughte. Heere I founde some 3 persons which were arryved heere some 3 dayes agone, which sayde that they were sente with letters from Obiama, 1 Queene of Paleacatte, Jaga Raija, Gouvernour thereaboute and of St. Thome, [and] Apa Condaia, Secretary of the greate King Wencatadraja, wherein they sente mee woord that yf I woulde come thether they woulde graunte mee a place right over againste the forte of Paleacatte, with all suche privileges as wee shoulde desire, and other greate promises besides. Butt I, considering howe I and the James had bene intertayned there, 2 coulde beleeve butt little; yett att laste wee aggreed that one of theym shoulde staye with mee, and the reste shoulde departe with one of my folkes, who shoulde carry the letters to the foresayd persons, as also one to the King; wherein I repeated the bad intertaynment which wee had att Paleacatte, and yf nowe it pleased him that wee shoulde come into his contrye, then to sende us his caull or safeconducte, to which wee might perfectly truste, with other circumstances. Wherewith they departed the 5 of June.