Having runne along the coaste of Ceylon, wee fell before Negapatam, 1 being 28 myles or leagues from our guessing [i.e., reckoning], so that in that place the mappe is very false, for the same hath happened also to the Hollands shipps; so that a man muste take good heede, especially in the night tyme, for hee woulde bee a shoare before hee bee aware. Neyther founde wee the Iland to bee so broad as it is in the mappe; the latitude wee founde to bee a the [sic] greate faulte of Mr Molinecx, 2 master of the Hector, who layeth Punto de Galle att 4 degrees, whereas it lyethe att 6 degrees. Towards the evening wee passed hard by the roade, and might see the towne and the howses very playnely. There laye a greate shippe att roade with dyvers masulls 3 and boates, butt according to our commission wee did not annoye theym.