The intense competition which existed between these two royal crusaders, who were themselves also avowed pilgrims, provides an invaluable insight into pilgrims and politics in general and those travelling to Rome in particular. At precisely this time Rome was facing the very real danger of being overshadowed in importance by Jerusalem and Compostela, the other two great pilgrim destinations of Christendom. Lotario of Segni was, particularly need to increase the religious aspect of Roman pilgrimage and play down its more political aspects, whilst maintaining all the worthwhile and necessary activities of those coming to Rome for such purposes. The added benefits of pilgrimage broadly meaning the business of the Curia petitions, lawsuits, actually presence of the Pope, begging his favour or hearing him speak or give a sermon, would later become part of the ordinary process of pilgrimage. Benefits for the ordinary lay pilgrim, Innocent attempted to an over-emphasis on healing miracles and greater awareness of personal salvation and redemption.