This chapter intends establishing a Social Benefit Analysis Framework (SBA) for a port hinterland project. Such analysis refers to a project that has a broad impact across society. Presenting an SBA for a port hinterland project allows addressing important issues in port-hinterland relations in a systematic format and dealing with the issue of costs and benefits to the port region or to the hinterland. The chapter applies the framework to the adequate connection with the hinterland of the port of Zeebruges. The traffic between the port and the hinterland currently uses smaller regional routes. The chapter aims to the study at hand was to develop a framework for a port hinterland SBA, and to carry out an application to the project A11, a new motorway connection in the hinterland of the port of Zeebruges. The case is specific and requires developing a specific SBA framework, as it links both port, local and leisure traffic.