This chapter explores a critical politics of becoming in relation to the doings rather than beings of life. It examines a critical politics of becoming through such Deleuzo-Guattarian notions as desiring-machines, rhizomes, and Body without Organs. Deleuze and Guattaris political philosophy moves beyond the confinements of representations and significations as seen in subjectivity. A schizoanalytic reading of the unconscious as a factory challenges how we traditionally think about and approach politics where desire is based on production rather than lack. Unlike self/other binaries that make a distinction between production and the product, these grafting processes do not make such a differentiation because everything is a production of production. Dialogical-becomings are at the core of post-queer politics. Post-queer rhizomatic politics is one that is directed outwards rather than inwards. Post-queer embodies the schizoanalytics of contemporary politics that negotiates the various deterritorializations and reterritorializations of life.