This chapter examines the events of 1755–1756 and the failed royal coup, with a special emphasis on the queen's role. The royal family became increasingly frustrated both before and throughout the Diet. The queen had not said her last word and was ready to face hardships. Her obstinacy regarding the realization of her project led in the end to a dangerous intransigence. In 1755, the whole city of Stockholm, the court, the salons, the taverns, the coffee-houses, and the various political clans, were all in ferment as the next Diet fast approached. Louisa Ulrika carefully reviewed the support remaining to her in the coming Diet. On the international stage, she counted very much on her brother's support. In addition to her brother's lukewarm support, Louisa Ulrika found herself quite isolated on the international stage. Her recent disagreements with the French ambassador did not help Paris come round to her project.