The nanoengineering of matter intersects with the virtuality of experiences on nature-culture continual variation. Nanotechnology moves well beneath carbon-based life, affecting the fluctuating movement of atoms, entering the scale of inorganic dust to redesign carbon-based life. This chapter considers whether it is possible to readdress the relation between nature and culture from another standpoint, where there is no ultimate bio-logic that resists the cultural determinations of sexuality. It draws attention to the way technoscience, from molecular biology to reproductive technologies and xenotransplantation biotechnologies, has been used to rethink notions of transsexuality and chimerism in nature, challenging culturalist assumptions about the natural whilst developing a neo-materialist engagement with sexuality. Before discussing the implications of the virtual impact of nanotech on the body-sex, the chapter focuses on critical discussions of sexual difference and queer sexuality engaged with the natural sciences and biotechnologies.