Schwob is mentioned, in an 1896 text by Mallarme supporting the erection of a monument to Stevenson, as an 'erudite, par excellence, in the case of Stevenson'. One of Stevenson's early French critics, Therese Bentzon, identifies strangeness as his defining characteristic, in her essay 'Le Roman Etrange en Angleterre', which appeared in the Revue des Deux Mondes in April 1888, and was then reprinted as a preface to her own translation of New Arabian Nights, Nouvelles Mille et une nuits. The new critics such as Henri Gheon, Marcel Drouin, Jacques Copeau, Andre Ruyters, and Jean Schlumberger, those who, with Gide, would go on to found the Nouvelle Revue Francaise in 1909, responded to this call with the elaboration of a theory of the roman d'aventures which they referred to constantly in the pages of L'Ermitage or La Revue Blanche.