The Russian empire shaped Samuel Bentham's (SB's) ambition and career. SB derived satisfaction' from this work and began to consider the resumption of his career in Britain. SB's utilitarian rhetoric postulated roles for the principal actors in his proposals, but he was always aware of the private interest which permeated public life. Nevertheless SB was unquestionably responsible for arming and commanding Russian small craft in the Liman campaign. SB drew wisdom from his financial frustrations and became careful about business arrangements that incurred debt on behalf of the Russian state. Potemkin's private interest operated to place SB at Krichev. Managing the funds allotted to develop Kherson as Russia's Black Sea naval base, a proportion of those funds paid for the stores and vessels produced at Krichev. Before being posted to Kherson, relative isolation and employment at Potemkin's Krichev estate permitted him to serve his patron without having to contend with politics of the armed forces.