The cultural dimension of Serenbe is important not only for sustainable objectives, but also for community-building. In many ways it is the most important accomplishment achieved by the development. At Serenbe the sacred and numinous share important ideas, and often are confused with having strictly religious or spiritual purposes. However, they are intended to describe inspiration that derives from positive experiences of the land, and interactions among the community members themselves. They also engender fascination, mystery, and an everyday connection to the land and nature. They are places that beguile and inspire, sedate and stir. By having these kinds of experiences, it is possible to support greater engagement, caretaking, and stewardship of both land and community. Similarly, “thin places,” a Celtic concept where the veil between the natural world and spiritual realm seems especially transparent, are present at Serenbe.2 Thin places can be experienced deep in the forest, along the streams or in a resident’s backyard. They evoke beauty, mystery, and serenity; and soulfulness is a quality that is growing as Serenbe grows, evolves, and continues to mature.