This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on key concepts covered in the preceding chapters of this book. The book argues that the postcolonial tourist encounter is not only built upon and shaped by colonialism and former colonial practice, but that it also builds upon and reinforces the geographical imaginations contained within these practices through gender stereotyping and colonial nostalgia. While modern subjectivity and the Euro-Arab encounter continue to attract the attention of many, as Kaplan (1996) points out, the subjectivity in question tends to remain a masculine subjectivity, based on a romantic theorisation of travel, which is prone to succumb to the essentialising practice of binaried opposites. The position of women who travel from modernity' to this tourist space that exists out of time and place changes as a result of this journey. The men of the Sinai appeal to the women because they are seen as hypermasculine based on an Orientalist stereotype of Arab male sexuality.