The purpose of this chapter, very simply, is to present the series of questions on which the methodology of the book is based, together with a list of the key theoretical terms introduced in each chapter. These can be used as a guide when working on a particular track, while the details to which they refer will be found in the relevant chapter. While it may well be best to begin at the beginning, of course you can begin anywhere. Indeed, I’m sure these questions can usefully be extended; they are not an exhaustive list, but simply the questions I tend to use. What is taken for granted here, is that you have already worked out what happens, that is, identified the melody, its harmonies and lyrics, its form, its instrumentation, and so on. Remember that a negative answer to a question is often as useful as a positive answer, and that by no means every question has to be asked, let alone answered. However, all the tracks I have ever encountered will yield up something of interest in response to some of these questions.