This chapter considers the processes of 'becoming music' the in-between and ever-changing/metamorphic differentiations of music becoming. Drawing from critical ideas of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, and feminist writers Luce Irigaray and Elizabeth Grosz, Rosi Braidotti and Gloria Anzaldúa, the chapter emphasizes these interactions as processes different from a logic of lineage and resemblance. The chapter argues that music offers a singular milieu for actualizing and thinking about ontology of change, effects of becoming, and their promise for life. Encountering musical difference as expressive, productive, and affirmative in temporally and metamorphically changing relational dynamics of subject, frame, and other actualizes the new and unforeseen. The play of perceptual/experiential orientations becomes alternately variable and multiple, temporally retroactive, successively and simultaneously moving. Music's discerning aesthetic becomes multidimensional, configuring the social, ethical, and political. The musical practice is thus one of discerning difference as repetition and repetition as difference, rather than opposing or excluding each other.