Because we wrote to your royal rna jesty by the last fleet a despatch which went forward with Balthazar de Castellanos, procurator general for this city, wherein we reported upon everything of which it seemed necessary to advise your majesty up to that day, in this letter we shall recount to your majesty only what has occurred since then, to wit:

On June 10 last John Hawkins, English corsair, arrived off this port with ten warships, all well armed and supplied with artillery and fireworks and many other weapons and equipment suitable to so powerful an armada as his. He carried more than six hundred men very well armed and outfitted with corselets and arquebuses and pikes and crossbows and halberds and all other weapons that could be carried, suitable to attack. In good order they landed next day, about noon, half a league from this city. Their pinnaces and ships played many guns, for which reason Miguel de Castellanos, your majesty's general in command, was unable to prevent them from landing.