This chapter explores changing themes in Debbie's narrative of roller derby, and will also introduce Lola, to examine the dark side' of belonging in roller derby. Through exploring the dark side' of roller derby, it becomes clear that power is not centralised, excluding some and including others, or loving some and rejecting others. Working with multiple narratives of roller derby we highlight the complex intersections of ability, affects and bodies that constitute normalised and alternative sport cultures. Both Carlson's and Finely's research on roller derby found that, despite the inclusion of certain subjectivities, there was also the explicit exclusion of others. Adele's responses to roller derby excited, fearful, curious produced particular boundaries and delineations between her body, the other women's bodies and the collective body of roller derby. The alternative organisational body has seen the impact of high attendance and participation requirements, and is attempting to provide an alternative, in partnership with the official American roller sport organisation.