This chapter contributes to fill the key gap by confronting suppliers' efforts to augment their offerings in a green way with buyers' reactive and/or proactive sustainability strategies. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) stands high on the agendas of managers and researchers. According to Lindgreen, Maon and Swaen CSR have moved from ideology to reality. Especially in the field of supply chain management and purchasing, multinational companies are increasingly undertaking CSR initiatives, often under pressure from different stakeholders. The experiences of the case companies clearly indicate that only through buyersupplier and value chain integration can sustainable products and services be co-created. The dynamism involved relates to the understanding of the market advantages as well as to the technical skills and expertise needed to co-develop a viable and more sustainable alternative to existing products. The chapter concludes that managing green offerings in business markets necessitates a dynamic and dyadic approach, sometimes expanded to a whole multilevel value chain network.