The diversity of perspectives highlights that gendered violence is both an age-old and continuing social problem. This chapter provides a broader theoretical discussion of gender and violence; specific forms, representations of, and responses to, gendered violence and conducting research on gendered violence. Gender is constituted as both a social structure and discursively where language and actions provide meaning. Gendered violence is a worldwide problem impacting disproportionately upon women and children. Measuring and recording the prevalence of gender-based violence remains an ongoing issue which provokes methodological debate. The chapter focuses upon a range of violence and abuses from domestic abuse, rape, femicide, stalking, Female genital mutilation, prostitution, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, trolling and pornography. It demonstrates the gender and violence the gendered framework necessary when examining the experiences of men and women in relation to violence. The chapter also presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book.