In addition, a number of originally separate, unbound scores of Purcell’s music survived into the eighteenth century and came to be of interest to later musicians and antiquarians. only one, the autograph of Of Old, when Heroes thought it Base, now forms a discrete volume, Lbl egerton 2956, the others being incorporated in guard-books such as ob Mus.c.26, Lbl add. 30934 and Bu 5001. The last of these belonged in the eighteenth century to John Barker, who was trained as a chorister in the Chapel Royal and became organist of Holy Trinity Church, Coventry, in 1731;2 in that year he signed and dated the back cover of Bu 5001, which must therefore have been bound as one volume by then but in fact mainly consists of a collection of

1 For a detailed account of the known provenance and early history of these three manuscripts see Robert Shay and Robert Thompson, Purcell Manuscripts: The Principal Musical Sources (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 33-47 (Cfm 88), 84-100 (Lbl add. 30930) and 126-35 (Lbl R.M. 20.h.8).