This chapter explains why a strict public monopoly on military and security functions is held so highly in Germany. It shows how outsourcing has developed over the course of the past few years. It then addresses the changes in the Bundeswehr, most notably the suspension of conscription in 2011, and their potential impact on future Private Security Companies (PSC) contracting. The chapter argues that historical processes matter in regard to Germany's approach to PSCs, especially the development of the Bundeswehr and its relationship with the population. The ideal of the citizen in uniform and the post-Second World War view that the use of force even by the state should have strict limits help explain why Germany has not embraced the use of PSCs and military contracting as strongly as the UK or the US. The German armed forces, the Bundeswehr, rely on a number of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for the maintenance of materiel, clothing and catering.