And on that day, when they were all together in the cloister of Our Lady Saint Mary of the Cathedral of Valencia, the Lord King made a great sermon and spoke many words appropriate to the times and commended the Lord Infante En Pedro to all, as chief and head, and commanded them to look upon him and obey him as they would himself, as having full power; and that he left him in all respects as his vicar and procurator, for all the Kingdom of Valencia. And all, unanimously, accepted the said Lord Infante, with great joy and con­ tent, as having all power the Lord King his father gave him. And the said Lord Infante likewise received this power very joyously. He had special content in that he knew that he was to remain in a place in which he would have to perform feats of arms daily. But he dissembled as well as he could, in order that the Lord King, his father, should not know his eagerness; assuredly, if the Lord King, his father, had known the tenth part of the perils he would encounter in those two kingdoms, he would not have let him go there, for he would have feared greatly to lose him. But so secret did he keep the dangers he would run in feats of arms, that the Lord King knew nothing of them ; rather he thought that the said Lord Infante would conduct the war with great prudence and understanding. And thus, certainly, it was as he thought, but besides this, when the time came, there was no bridge nor outwork that would keep back the Lord Infante ; for, where he knew there was the

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