A n d whilst he was getting ready I heard of it at Jerba ; and, however much had been given me, I would not have refrained from going to him, and, with him, wherever he wished to go. I sent a message to the Lord King, asking him to be pleased to allow me to come to Sicily. And the Lord King was content and I came to Sicily with all the elder men of the island, who came with me in a galley and a leny, and I left the castle of Jerba and the island under a good chief. And the first place at which I landed in Sicily was Catania. And there I found the Lord Infante well and cheerful and m y Lady the Infanta pregnant ; before eight days had gone by, she gave birth to a child and had a beautiful son, for which a great feast was made. And when I had descended from the galleys, I had two bales of carpets brought on shore, which came from Tripoli, and anibles and ardiens and almaxies and aquinals and mactans and jucies and jewels.1 And I had all these displayed before my Lady the Infanta and the Lord Infante and presented them with all, whereat the Lord Infante was very content. And then I departed from them and went to Messina; the Lord Infante told me he would be there before fifteen days had gone by and that he wished to speak to me at length.