W h e n King Charles came to the Pope he begged him to assemble all his Consistory, for he wished to speak with him and with all his cardinals. And as he requested so it was done. And this the King did because he had in the same way, in their presence, received leave for the conquest, and all had promised him succour and aid. And when the Pope and his College were assembled King Charles spoke thus : “ Holy Father, you and all your Consistory know that I undertook the conquest of the territory of King Manfred for the honour of Holy Church, as I told you then. And you, at that time, and all your College, promised to help me and to support me against all who would prevent the said conquest; and, again, that you would provide me with money and with all I should require. And you, Holy Father, and all these other lords who are here, know that I have well accom­ plished all I promised you and have not considered any peril nor damage to my person, neither to kinsman nor vassal of mine. Now it is the truth that the King of Aragon, owing to your great fault, has come against Us and has taken the island of Sicily and a great part of Calabria and will go on taking territory from Us every day, if God and you do not remedy it. And assuredly, Holy Father, you and these other lords, for four reasons especially, should give Us remedy in this. The first reason is that you have a covenant with Us about it. The second reason is that the King of Aragon has done what he has done through your great fault, because of the cruel answer you gave the noble En G. de Castellnou.