When the factor and João Estão had taken their leave of the king, after the documents had been sworn to, he informed them that he was very desirous of seeing Afonso Dalboquerque; and asked them to tell him on his part that 135he begged he would graciously send word where, and in what manner, he might see him. Afonso Dalboquerque sent word to him, saying that he also was very desirous of seeing him, and that there was no other place more suited for their interview than the jetty; for it was upon the sea, and was well adapted for their visit; but the rest could be arranged as he liked best. At this message from Afonso Dalboquerque, the king at once gave orders for his officers to make ready the jetty, which was all covered with many carpets, and around were carpeted benches, and there was a platform with two chairs of silk and cushions of the same suite. The day having been settled on which the audience was to take place, Afonso Dalboquerque ordered the captains to make themselves ready with their boats richly decorated, and all the fidalgos that there were in the fleet to accompany him; for it was in this manner that they had agreed Afonso Dalboquerque should go, as well as the king, with his governors and principal lords of his kingdom, who had come thither to serve him in the war. And when all were ready, Afonso Dalboquerque went on board his boat and the captains on board theirs, and all proceeded to the jetty, and when they touched it all the artillery of the ships was fired. As soon as the king was informed of the landing of Afonso Dalboquerque he came forth to receive him, accompanied by Cogeatar, Rexnordim, and all the others who were to be present.