When the month of January was come, wherein the great Afonso Dalboquerque had determined to make his way to the Straits, the chief tower being already in a sufficiently forward state to be able to protect itself, and his fleet filled with all things necessary for the journey, he ordered Manuel Telez to load his ship with all the provisions that could be procured, to relieve the fortress of Çocotora on the way, and with some medicines and drugs for the sick. And he ordered the factor to purchase all the goods, which Manuel Telez put down on a roll; which he did with great diligence, and laded the ship, and handed over everything to the master in the presence of the scrivener. When Afonso Dalboquerque had despatched the factor to set about this 150business, he went on shore to see the progress of the fortress, and the captains went immediately to him; and, as he had for some time past been aware that they murmured at the construction of the fortress, that he might be more certain of their intentions, he drew himself away along the shore with Manuel Telez, Francisco de Tavora, and Afonso Lopez da Costa, who were there, Jorge Barreto de Castro his cousin being also present, and said to them, that they now saw in what a state the affairs at Ormuz were situated, and he would beg them to tell him whether it was more serviceable to the king to finish the fortress or to sail for the Cape of Gruardafum, for he had the fleet all ready and well prepared for the one course or the other.