Now that the great Afonso Dalboquerque had obtained this information of the state in which affairs at Ormuz were 226situated, he remained just where he was without sending any one to land, waiting for Cogeatar to make up his mind; and after three days’ time two Moors together came out of our fortress and made signs with a flag. Afonso Dalboquerque ordered another to be hoisted at the yardarm of his ship and signals to be made to them to come on board, but they would not come, and on the following day they did just the same. And when the native Moors saw that they made no reply, they sent a Moorish fisherman in an almadia on board the ship of Martim Coelho, which was stationed on the other side of the city in the western harbour, with two letters, one from Cogeatar to Afonso Dalboquerque, and the other from the Viceroy to Cogeatar.