Upon the receipt of this reply of Cogeatar, so full of pride, the great Afonso Dalboquerque summoned the captains, fidalgos, masters, and pilots, and all the other people of the fleet, to make up their minds what to do; and all having assembled on board his ship, he recounted to them the message which Cogeatar had sent to him through Pero Dalpoem, and told them the disgust he felt in his soul at seeing how proudly Cogeatar had replied to his messages, a thing which he had never yet done until now, and only now because of the slight store which he perceived the Viceroy set upon him and upon all those who accompanied him in this war, to the service of the King of Portugal; and he explained how the captains who had deserted him, though he had been very intimate with them, had asked him whether he would make the voyage to India to save those ships which leaked so much, or rather continue to blockade the city until it surrendered; for he had certain 243information that it was in very great need of supplies and water, and that there had been great dissension among the inhabitants.