Sweden has a long history of media accountability adaption, with institutionalized media criticism in the 19th century, the beginning of a code of ethics for the press in 1900, a press council in 1916 and a national press ombudsman for the public in 1969. Due to recent changes in the consumption and the economy of traditional news media, the accountability instruments are once again adapting to new conditions, where media convergence is an important factor. Examples of new online MAIs include a weekly podcast with a discussion on media development and media ethics between the chief editors of the two leading national tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen. The roles of their news organizations have changed with their online versions, where they gather the largest audiences in the country, with more resources for information than in the sensational tabloids. This change is manifested in the podcast that interacts with its audience via Twitter. Innovations, more than institutions, are important features in this ongoing media accountability adaptation.