Stillness, balance, and stability occur throughout a ballet technique class. Teachers consistently ask dancers to: embody elongated spinal postures; maintain one port de bras throughout an entire exercise;suspend balances en relevé; stand on one leg for prolonged periods of time; and maintain epaulment positioning throughout centre floor work. Learning how to stabilize the body effectively requires dancers to continually reinvest in changing spatial relationships. As the balletic position shifts, the spatial integrity of the whole body shifts. When dancers physically and cognitively understand how bodily form expands and condenses three-dimensionally, they begin to perceive balance and stability as a three-dimensional, dynamic process. The Shape Flow Support and Shape Qualities terminology are therefore referenced throughout this chapter. In addition to this, two new movement concepts from Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis (L/BMA) are introduced: Spatial Intent and Countertensions.