This chapter shows that the Europeanisation is the outcome of a triangular international dynamic resulting from the many-sided interactions between the organisation for economic co-operation and development (OECD), some European Union (EU) member states that are also OECD members and the EC. Europe is characterised by the density of its institutional web, organised around the European Union's actors and norms. Since the 1990s, the dissemination of policy models has become a particularly salient phenomenon in the European space. Europe is characterised by the density of its institutional web, organised around the European Union's actors and norms. It has been shown, however, that policy transfers are complex processes, which cannot be reduced to a unidirectional link between a sender and a receiver. National actors who take initiative in given public policy areas and who as a result may under certain conditions have an influence on international programmes are generally moved by bureaucratic and/or political agenda of their main space of activity.