In demonstrating the cultural relativism of sexual norms, this chapter provides an introduction to the symbolic function of sexual imagery and behavior. Variational patterns may occur in the individual who yields to the desire for an alteration of sexual excitation. It broachs the issue of some fundamental symbolic meanings of the phallus and the ways in which these meanings are reflected in, and influence, sexual practices. Semen is necessary to stimulate growth, sexual maturity, and strength; in addition, it was also thought to be essential for the development of the growing fetus. The other characteristic shared in common was the systematic institutionalization of universal homosexuality that, in effect, made bisexuality or dualism in sexual experiences necessary feature of male sexual life. The chapter proposes that it is because of the symbolic meanings of the penis in erection and ejaculation that insemination can be endowed with the power to effectuate growth and sexual maturity.