This chapter describes both quantitative and qualitative analysis processes and how they should be linked to the research question and the interpretation of results. A selection of data analysis techniques from both qualitative and quantitative methods are outlined. There are two main types of quantitative study in sports performance analysis. The first compares performance variables between different samples of performances or matches. These could be independent or related samples. The second type of descriptive study correlates performance variables of interest. Although the vast majority of data analysis processes in sports performance analysis are quantitative in nature, qualitative methods may form part or all of the methods in a project. An example in which they may form part of the analysis is after the main quantitative study has been completed, the investigator may want to interview coaches or performers to discuss the value of the results. There are also different types of qualitative research that are distinguished by their theoretical positions; the researcher should first justify the role of the particular type of qualitative method to be used within the project.