This chapter fleshes out the intelligibility of validity after poststructuralism via an exploration of the instructive complications of a study of women living with HIV/AIDS. The primary objective of the research is to bring to understanding of HIV/AIDS the words of women as they struggle to make sense of their experiences of the disease. The chapter explores practices of "micro-becomings" in terms of interpretive and textual strategies. It meditates on the problematic of a text that is as much trying to write me as the other way around. Using the "Transgressive Validity Check-List: A Simulacrum". The chapter mobilizes its scandalous categories of validity within the context of this study: ironic, paralogic, rhizomatic, and situated/embodied. Angel intertexts and illustrations, beginning with a sampler of the ways angels are reemerging in popular culture, especially in AIDS discourses.